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आज का पंचांग

निशुल्क पंचांग अपने मोबाइल फोन पर मँगवाने के लिए9897607275 पर अपने शहर का नाम लिख कर व्हाट्सएप्प करे। 🌞 ~ *आज का हिन्दू पंचांग* ~ 🌞 ⛅ *दिनांक 03 जून 2020* ⛅ *दिन - बुधवार*  ⛅ *विक्रम संवत - 2077 (गुजरात - 2076)* ⛅ *शक संवत - 1942* ⛅ *अयन - उत्तरायण* ⛅ *ऋतु - ग्रीष्म* ⛅ *मास - ज्येष्ठ* ⛅ *पक्ष - शुक्ल*  ⛅ *तिथि - द्वादशी सुबह 09:05 तक तत्पश्चात त्रयोदशी* ⛅ *नक्षत्र - स्वाती रात्रि 08:43 तक तत्पश्चात विशाखा* ⛅ *योग - वरीयान् सुबह 06:22 तक तत्पश्चात परिघ* ⛅ *राहुकाल - दोपहर 12:25 से दोपहर 02:05 तक*  ⛅ *सूर्योदय - 05:57* ⛅ *सूर्यास्त - 19:15*  ⛅ *दिशाशूल - उत्तर दिशा में* ⛅ *व्रत पर्व विवरण - प्रदोष व्रत*  💥 *विशेष - द्वादशी को पूतिका(पोई) अथवा त्रयोदशी को बैंगन नही खाना होता है।(ब्रह्मवैवर्त पुराण, ब्रह्म खंडः 27.29-34)* 💥 *स्कंद पुराण के अनुसार द्वादशी के दिन बिल्ववृक्ष का पूजन करना चाहिए। इससे ब्रह्महत्या आदि महापाप भी नष्ट हो जाते हैं।*                🌞 *~ हिन्दू पंचांग ~* 🌞कई बार होता है जब बनता काम बिगड़ता है या का...
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बिना खाए, बिना पानी पिए जीते रहे 86 साल...Prahlad Jani...

गुजरात के पवित्र तीर्थ स्थल अंबाजी (Ambaji) में पिछले 86 वर्षों से बिना भोजन और पानी के जीवन व्यतीत कर रहे 'चुंदड़ी वाले माताजी' (Chundadiwale Mataji) प्रह्लाद जानी(Prahlad Jani) का 91 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गया है। उनका निधन उनके गृहनगर(वतन) गांव चरादा में हुआ है। उन्हें 28 मई, गुरुवार को अंबाजी में अंतिम दर्शन के लिए रखा जाएगा। पिछले 86 वर्षों से, चुंदड़ीवाले माताजी ने भोजन या पानी नहीं लिया था । उनके पार्थिव शरीर को दो दिनों के लिए अंबाजी में रखा जाएगा ताकि भक्तों को माताजी का अंतिम दर्शन हो सके। यह माताजी विज्ञान के लिए एक बड़ी पहेली की तरह थे । उन्हें कई दिनों तक परखा गया। परीक्षण का हिस्सा रहे न्यूरो फिजिशियन डॉ. सुधीर शाह का यह भी मानना ​​है कि माताजी का जीवन बहुत रहस्यमय था । उन्होंने अपने गृहनगर (वतन) गांव चरादा में 2.45 बजे अंतिम सांस ली। देर रात उन्हें सांस लेने में तकलीफ हुई। विशेष रूप से, चुंदड़ीवाले माताजी ने 86 वर्षों से भोजन और पानी छोड़ दिया था। चुंदड़ीवाले माताजी के निधन से उनके भक्तों में गहरा शोक व्याप्त हो गया है। यह विज्ञान के लिए भी एक बड़ा रहस्...

Situation after corona pandemic...

* Read carefully *   * Caution * * Caution meaning *caution quarantine area,*   In cities or towns we should all be aware of the situation.   Once the lockdown is partially / completely lifted.We need to be responsible citizens to obey traffic rules and be proactive in protecting ourselves, our families and our belongings.   As much as there will be lockdown these days, there was not much earning in all those days, so there may be a sudden surge in antisocial events due to job losses / impact on business.   1. People have to be very careful. This includes family members, children, school and college going boys / girls, working women / men.   2. Do not wear expensive watches during this time if possible.   3. Do not wear expensive chains, bangles, ear rings. Be careful with your handbags.    4. Men can avoid wearing high end watches, expensive bracelets and chains.   5. Don't use your mobile phone...

કોઈ પણ દેશ અમુક વિચારશરણી પ્રમાણે પોતાની અર્થવ્યવસ્થા ચલાવે છે...!

મૂડીવાદ, સમાજવાદ, લોકશાહી અને આર્થિક વિકાસ પ્રસ્તાવના:- મૂડીવાદી વર્ગ લોકશાહીનાં નિરપેક્ષ મૂલ્યોમાં આસ્થા રાખનારા વિનીમતવાદીઓ પોતાનાં રાજકારણી મંતવ્યો કે ખ્યાલોનાં મૂળ અંગે ખાસ વિચાર કરતા લાગતા નથી. એ લોકો તો એમજ માની બેઠા લાગે છે કે ઈતિહાસમાં તેમનાં પોતાનાં લોકશાહી વિષયક સિધ્ધાંતો, તેને સતત સામનો કરતા રહેતા સમાજવાદના સિધ્ધાંતો કરતાં વધારે સ્થિર થઈ ચૂક્યા છે. પરંતુ એ લોકો જો એટલું જાણી લે કે તમે માર્ક્સવાદનું શિક્ષણ એક સદીથી સહેજ જ વધારે હોય તો તેમના પોતાના લોકશાહી વિષયક વિચારો પણ બહુ જૂના નથી, તો તેમને ખરેખર આશ્ચર્ય થાય. ગમે તેમ પણ એ વિચારો માનવજાતિની પુરાતન- પૂજાજોગ જૂના તો નથી જ. એ એક ઐતિહાસિક હકીકત છે. મૂડીવાદ(capitalism) :- મૂડીવાદ સામાન્યત: તે આર્થિક પ્રણાલી અથવા તંત્રને કહે છે. જેમાં ઉત્પાદનનાં સાધન પર ખાનગી માલિકી હોય છે. ક્યારેક ‘વ્યક્તિગત માલિકી’’ કે પર્યાયવાચી તરીકે પણ વાપરવામાં આવે છે. યદ્યપિ અહીં ‘વ્યક્તિ’નો અર્થ કોઈ એક વ્યક્તિ પણ થઈ શકે છે અને વ્યક્તિઓનો સમૂહ પણ. બહોળા અર્થમાં એમ કહી શકાય કે સરકારી પ્રણાલી ખાનગી સ્તર પર માલિકીવાળા કોઈપણ આર્થિક તં...

The plight of a corona victim

The plight of a Corona victim: * This event may open your eyes * Coronavirus pandemic : It was 11.30 pm. Sanket was anxious. His Corona report was positive and corona symptoms. After a while his phone rang. Said the doctor. “Listen, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Your case is still in the first stage. An ambulance will arrive in a few minutes. You will be shifted to a special isolation ward of Corona. Your family also has a quarantine order. They all have to spend fourteen days in separate wards in a separate hospital. " As soon as he handled all this, Sanket went numb, and after a while he got stuck on the sofa. The future of himself and his family began to expect black in his mind ... 👉 What will happen to seven years ol[d son Ayush ...? 👉 How will they know each other's situation ...? 👉 Mom has taken a doctor's appointment after 3 days for routine checkup of blood pressure, now she doesn't even go to show. Dad...

Corona will teach a lot to India....!

Corona will be gone , but Corona will give a lot to India ... !!! Thus, a lot of misery teaches a person. What will the world learn from the corona disaster ..? Not knowing it, but corana will teach many things to Indians . Due to the rush towards modernity, we forgot our tradition and started blindly imitating the western countries, but corona seems to have stopped us from going to the west. It is earlier to say when corona will stop and how many people will lose their lives because of Corona is currently It is difficult, but when corana leaves India, corona will give the Indians a new direction and an old way of life. (1) It was our old tradition that when we came home from outside, we used to take off our shoes and wash our hands and feet before entering the house, but we have forgotten our tradition and and many of us started wearing shoes in house, but corana stopped us and forced us to take off your shoes according to our old tradition and enter the house with ...

Identify Corona...

Please share in all your groups and if you feel knowledgeable, give your opinion in the comment box below .... * Identify Corona * * Question (01): - Can Corona virus be eradicated ..? Answer: - No! Corona viruses are inanimate particles that have a protective layer of fat on them. It is not a living thing, so it cannot be killed, but it decomposes on its own. Question (02): How long does it take for the corona virus to decompose? Answer: - Depending on how long the corona virus decomposes, 👉 How much heat or humidity is there around it? Or 👉 Where is it located, what is the condition of that place? Based on it. Question (03): -How can it be broken by particles? Answer: - Corona virus is very weak. Tearing down the protective layer of fat on top of it kills it. Soap or detergent foam is most effective for doing so. Hand massage with soap / detergent for 20 seconds or more breaks down its protective layer and destroys it. So ex...